When serious illness strikes, we tend to view it as an overwhelming, life-defining experience. But seven young Freestyle designers want you know something: while they may be facing daunting medical challenges, they refuse to be defined by their disease.
Among them, you’ll find artists, athletes, thespians, a future nurse, and an aspiring pilot with a serious thing for mac ‘n’ cheese. Sure, they’ve walked a tough road to come as far as they have—but rather than discuss their medical conditions, they’d much rather tell you about the music that moves them, the names of their pets, the things that inspire them and their hopes for the future.
As these remarkable kiddos so profoundly demonstrate, when you live life on your own terms, you’re free to be anything you want. Free to be an optimist. A champion. A veterinarian. An inspiration to others.
With your support, our goal is to create a world where kids can also be free of disease.